
The Aviva Method® is for women looking for a natural and medical-intervention-free way to address their reproductive health issues or to complement other ongoing medical or natural therapies.


Aviva Gabriella Steiner

The Aviva Method® was developed in 1966 by Aviva Gabriella Steiner, a PE teacher and ballet dancer of Hungarian origin, after 28 years of research and experience. Presently, this method is practiced around the world, and it also has been taught in India since 2010 with great success. Due to its increasing popularity, a special training program for India was developed in 2013, so that more Indian women could have access to this wonderful method. Introducers of the Aviva Method® are trained to teach 4-hour-long workshops and 1-hour-long practice classes on the Simple Exercises of the Aviva Method®.


Aviva’s Simple Exercises is a sequence of 18 dynamic exercise movements that stimulate and strengthen the inner and outer muscles of the lower abdominal area and increase blood-flow to the reproductive organs. When a woman practices the exercises on a regular basis, her pelvic region (or ‘working zone’) receives a more steady supply of blood and an increased amount of hormones, nutrients, and oxygen. This stimulation, strengthening, and nourishment of the muscles and organs of the pelvic region helps in the healing of various gynaecological problems, naturally balancing the female hormones, and improving reproductive health. The 18 exercises are taught in a 4-hour workshop and can then be practiced in practice classes or even at home.


The Aviva Method® can help women with the following conditions:

  • Painful or long menstrual periods
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Irregular cycles, or the absence of menstruation/ovulation
  • Uncomfortable menopausal symptoms
  • Postmenopausal health issues such as osteoporosis, loss of muscle and skin tone, vaginal dryness, and frequent urinary infections
  • Weight problems caused by hormonal imbalances
  • Uterine fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and early-stage endometriosis
If you have any serious medical condition; or are undergoing any form of hormonal treatment, including pills or injections to support or prevent conception; or have an IUD inserted; or think you may be pregnant, please inform your Aviva instructor for further guidance.